
Detailed Information
Bestattungsinstitut Brigitte und Karl Hetterling GmbH
Nerac321 (05/01/2020)
An answer was immediately available for every question. All-round service and reliable. The accompaniment through this difficult time was made easier for us with your competence and empathy. Thanks for the great help and support, especially to Mr. Koch.
Daniel Lausen (08/06/2020)
Not recommendable.
Gunter Bitz (05/03/2020)
The funeral home did a good all-round service. The usual assignments to the stonemason (remove gravestone), cemetery administration, florist worked very well without my intervention. The funeral itself was also very well organized. However, this good performance is mitigated by a not inconsiderable mistake. It has to be said that the burial took place in the middle of the corona pandemic and that it was not possible to use the mortuary at the time. The funeral had to take place in a small group (10 participants) outdoors. When the organist was commissioned, she reported back to the funeral home that she could bring her own keyboard for playing the organ outdoors. However, this would require an increased effort of EUR 100. The organ game now costs EUR 150 instead of the usual EUR 50 if the organ on site can be used. Well, you might be surprised at this pricing. What justifies an additional EUR 100 only for packing, assembling and then dismantling a keyboard? Sure, it is a special situation due to the current corona pandemic and there is no real "market price" here. But this should not be part of my assessment, since these are so-called external costs. Unfortunately, the funeral parlor failed to communicate this drastic 300% price increase to me as the client in advance. I fell out of the clouds when I found the amount on the invoice. A query to the undertaker revealed that the organist allegedly had also communicated her fee to the pastor - well, he is really not the client and probably did not see any reason to pass this information on to me (if he really got it) . With timely knowledge of this price, I would have thankfully foregone this keyboard service and looked for another solution. The invoice also included a flat rate for "Telecommunications, postage, fax, gloves, name tag on the coffin" in the amount of EUR 99. Based on my request, how to explain such a high amount, the undertaker admitted that he had accidentally calculated the flat rate for a transfer from abroad, where naturally higher telecommunication costs arise. The corrected invoice now showed a flat rate of EUR 75. This amount also seems to me to be much too high in the time of flat rates. I would be interested to know what amount comes out if the funeral home adds up all communication costs (telephone, business cell phone) and divides it by the number of funeral cases. In my opinion, the gloves also not be the cost factor. Disposable latex gloves are available in packs of 100 from the discounter for EUR 5. I then asked for a clarifying conversation several times. The clerk pointed out that invoicing was a “top priority”. Unfortunately I was never put through to the boss and promised callbacks never came. You get the impression that good customer service ends when the invoice is written. The Hetterling funeral home may seem reluctant to deal with complaints. Conclusion: The actual burial was good and all participants were very well coordinated. The bill is not understandable for me in some points. I see a gross mistake in the lack of disclosure of information regarding the triple costs of the organist. Therefore only 2 out of 5 stars, because the negative impression of the invoicing predominates. Here the undertaker simply gambles away the trust of his customer through things that could easily be avoided.
Hans Maurer (05/10/2020)
Absolutely poor !!! In our case, the deceased lady (January 21, 2020) had already signed a funeral contract (costs around € 3,750) with Brigitte and Karl Hetterling during her lifetime. This contract includes all costs from the morgue to the accompaniment to the funeral place. H. Hetterling (H) is the contractual partner of all external services !!! However, I received the relevant invoices as the caregiver of the deceased, but immediately forwarded them to Hetterling for payment. Then after the first reminder !!! of a doctor (morgue) came, I contacted tel. to Hetterling with the request for immediate payment. The boss was tel. never to be reached and the employees (tried very hard) apparently have no authority to settle invoices according to the contract. Further warnings then came from the crematorium (fees), and from the quiet forest. 3 months after the death and after at least 7 calls to H. in the past 2 months, no invoice has yet been paid and the final invoice is still open. A repayment of H. is still open because some services have not been used. By the way, it was agreed on the day of the funeral that you meet H. at the parking lot from the quiet forest and then go together to the funeral parlor. After inquiring about 3 minutes before the funeral appointment with a nice lady from the quiet forest, she said to us in surprise, because no one was present from H. that an urn was given here by H. in the morning !!! This friendly lady then accompanied us to the appropriate place. So much for the rest of this funeral home's service! As of May 10th, 2020: I received my outstanding money last week, but on Sunday (May 10th, 2020) the doctor called me again (physical examination) and complained about the payment by Hetterling. I feel that this is HUGENESS on the part of H !!!!!! In my experience, this company is absolutely dubious !!!
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