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alma torrez (08/02/2016)
The lady who posted her child has ADHD she is not correct is not easy be with kids like that and not all people had learning to be with special kids is a lot responsalility for others please people understand and take them to see a doctor and give them a medicament or teach them to be good kids educated them to follow rules and respect most the times it's that the problem.
Paula Ryal (04/24/2014)
This school is the worst school I have ever had to deal with. The teachers do not understand what they are teaching. The teachers do not watch the kids when they are outside playing at recess. The playground is not completely fenced all the way around so kids can easily run off. Strangers can easily access school grounds and kids can easily be kidnapped from the playground due to the fact that there is no full fence around the playground as well as the teachers’ lack of responsibility to watch the kids. The school says they are not responsible for any accidents that may occur to any of the kids on field trips, yet the teachers are the only ones there to watch the kids, therefore the school and teachers should be held responsible if anything should happen. If the teachers are not responsible for the kids on these field trips and such, then who is? My guess would be their invisible parents...nMy daughter has ADHD and she is in kindergarten. The teachers and principal at McKinley are treating her very unfair. She is not allowed to go outside for recess anymore to play and get exercise and release some of her negative energy due to the fact that she ran away from the teacher once or twice and they are making a big deal about having to go after her to go back inside, so now they make her go to the office and sit while the rest of her classmates get to go outside and play. Keeping her locked inside the office during recess forces her to act out in class since she has not been allowed to release her negative energy by playing outside. In having ADHD, she needs that time to play and run and exercise, otherwise she will not listen or be able to focus the rest of the day. The principal at McKinley has threatened to suspend her from school with only two days left, which is very unfair. I do not think the principal or the teachers realize the damage they are causing to this child's mental status in how they are treating her. The entire staff at McKinley - teachers, principal, CLC staff - has all been informed that she has ADHD and that she is in counseling and going through a lot of testing to determine the right kind of treatment for her and none of the staff at this school will give her a break. She acts out because of the way she is being treated. She does not act out at home the way that she does at school. She is allowed the opportunity to go outside and run around at home in order to calm down after being stuck inside the school all day.nThe principal also stated that they have over 100 kids outside at recess all at the same time and that they do not have enough staff to watch all of the kids at the same time, especially my daughter since she runs away. That sounds like the school needs to be shut down if they do not have the staff to watch all the kids that are there. I would run away from the teachers too if I was being treated unfair. I rate this school way beyond very poor, in that they do not know how to treat the kids in this school.
Nick Post (06/02/2016)
Old elementary school.
Wet Birb (10/11/2015)
This is my school
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