
Detailed Information
Ricj M (05/10/2020)
my daughter loves going to the school and hopes to have this stay-at-home order in so that she can continue to go to the school the school is always been informative kind clean and respectful to my child I appreciate everything they have ever done and what they have taught my child and hope to have my son visit this school and continue the tradition of learningthank you very much for what you have taught my daughter and for the information about how to do the work at home online a big shout-out to miss Myron Carmen says
Aaron Reese (01/28/2020)
I'm not very happy with the Nampa School district. I've been fighting lice for 3 years now and the schools do nothing about it. The super intendent told my wife it's not a health issue and there for they don't have to do anything about it. But the shampoo to kill them is poison and expensive. It also has cost my wife and I a fortune just to keep getting rid of them. Thanks for poisoning my family Nampa School district.
Katie Nunnally (01/29/2020)
Best school for my children awesome staff!!
Korina Martinez (06/14/2018)
I love this school! We have had all 5 of our children go through Central even when we lived in another schools boundary. The staff is incredible and they really believe that it takes everyone, the student, the teacher and the parents, for a child to be successful. They have consecutively had some of the highest test scores in the State. Highly recommend.
Lindsay Chavez (05/24/2018)
I was at Settler’s Park today and this school was on a field trip. They were gathering up the children in their group. They were one child short. Out of four adults they had no idea what child was missing. I watched them wander around asking the kids if they saw any kids they knew. They had no idea what child was missing. Finally one of the children pointed out the child that was missing. I would never want my child to go on a field trip without me if they went to this school.
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