
Detailed Information
irish Williams (12/05/2017)
I absolutely hate this school but unfortunately, my kids are stuck here until we move. But on the bright side, I can at least be glad that I was able to fight and win my kids to at least have the best teachers they actually have their. There are fantastic teachers and there are teachers straight out my nightmare from Catholic school from way back when that might as well have a bullhorn instead of a voice box. The school is filled with bullies and the most teachers don't really do much because the principal is pretty as useful as poster on a wall.
Erika Doe (04/25/2014)
Best school for elementary schools on post. Very friendly staff and teachers are wonderful. Very well secured. My daughter loves it there. 3 yes in a row and had nothing but wonderful teachers.
Anonymous (02/09/2018)
I wish I had something great to say about where my child and step-children go to school, but unfortunately I do not. Although I absolutely adore and appreciate her teacher, their staff's unprofessionalism overshadows every thing else.nnI myself, have a full-time career, my husband is in the military, and we together have 4 children (husband has 3 and I have 1). I always figured that dealings with military families, would be done so respectfully, especially since we are normally dealing with higher stress levels than most on a regular basis.nnThere was one incident, where my child, a new student, was not allowed on the bus for daycare, due to a miscommunication. Office staff on this particular day, called me while at work. I excused myself from a patient and took the call. I was informed that my child was being held off of the daycare bus because she was not on their list. I responded with asking where the other 3 children were. I was told that they were on the bus. I then proceeded to ask if they would not separate the children, as it was my child's first day at this school, and that it may be scary for her to be pulled to the side and separated from her step siblings. I also reported that there was some form of miscommunication between the daycare and school, and that I would call the daycare, but be on my way to pick them all up. BTW, I work almost 45 minutes away.nnI called the daycare and they confirmed that my child was in fact on their list. They confirmed that Hillside was confused. The daycare then advised me that they would call the school and correct the issue.nnI went back to work and began helping my patient again. A few minutes later, I recieved another call from the school. I excused myself from my patient again, and this time was informed that they had pulled all of our kids off the bus. I asked if they had spoken with daycare and was told that they had, but that they still could not take my child due to her not being on their list. I informed them that I would be on my way. I then notified my management of the situation, apologized and rescheduled my patient, and got on my way. A few minutes later, I recieved another phone call from the school and was informed that it was now OK for my child to ride the bus. At this point, I had already excused my patient, myself from work, and would need to speak with someone about this back and forth. I calmly let them know that I was still on my way to get this figured out today, therefore preventing issues like this in the future. We ended the call and I immediately recieved a call back and was told I was to never be rude to their staff and that they would be contacting my spouse at work. I recieved a call from my husband, explained the situation, and he explained that he recieved a voicemail from the school in response to his wife. He and I were both appalled, and decided to meet at Hillside to speak with the principle. We arrived at the school and although we could see people inside, were left out in the rain. I called Hillside on speaker and the same rude woman answered, instantly becoming aggressive. I immediately asked to speak with the principle and was told that she would put the call on speaker. I explained my concerns and distaste for the lack of respect from his staff and that if he liked, he could hear the calls, as my calls are all recorded. He said he would speak with his staff and apologized. Since this incident, we have had problems with the school allowing the children's mother on campus to distract them. My husband is custodial parent. Their mother currently has failed to see psych and show med compliance. We are unable to serve her due to she now being homeless. The school allows her to not sign in and see the kids, never informing us of secret school visitations. She has even asked to pick them up from school, their bus driver allows she and her girlfriend time with them before transport to daycare, yet they don't inform us until recent, yet still allow it. At this point, we may need to involve a third party. Signed a sad parent!
Ryan Davis (08/05/2017)
My daughter love it ! Teachers are awesome
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