
Detailed Information
Elizabeth Blackwell Elementary School
Elizabeth Blackwell Elementary School
Elizabeth Blackwell Elementary School
Elizabeth Blackwell Elementary School
up high (11/14/2012)
I would like to bring up a safety problem in Elizabeth Blackwell Elementary and describe an incident that happened to my child at this school.nRecently, when picking up my son from Elizabeth Blackwell Elementary, I saw that the corner of his eye was red and swollen and he was in tears. When I asked him what happened, he told me that another pre-schooler kicked him in the eye. This is not the first time my son complains about being beaten in pre-school – 2-3 occurrences happened before.nI brought up this incident immediately to the teacher’s attention. To my great surprise, this teacher told me that my child was kicked in the eye probably because other child didn’t understand what my child said and she will not do anything about it unless the my child complains to the teacher. The thing is, my child does not speak English and cannot explain what happened to him. This sounds like a complete nonsense and mendacity to me; I’ve never seen this happening in the US.nMy child told me he tried to get the teacher’s attention but the teacher said “Come on, come on!” and did nothing… Let me mention again this is not the first time he complained about violence from a class-mate, so there’s a pattern.nIn our conversation this teacher called the other boy “terrorist or aggressor” – I’m pretty sure he is not an aggressor, he’s just a small child that needs to be instructed on how to behave. I told this to teacher.nThis is what teachers are for – instructing and ensuring child safety. I understand there could be individual incidents, but in our case there’s a pattern where the teachers failed to interfere to stop the violence against my child, and do the very basic and common-sense thing safety– protect my child and instruct another boy to behave. Instead, I heard an explanation that she will do nothing until my child will report to her in English. Is it really? I find this impossible to comprehend.nI’m teaching my child how to complain to the teacher, but until he catches enough English (which will take some time), does he have to be a helpless victim of classmate’s beating while the teachers ignore basic safety.nIn the meantime, my child says he does not want to go to school – he does not want to be kicked and beaten. Can you imagine my feeling sending your child to school every day and know that he will be kicked again today?... And the teacher will do nothing again… So be aware where you bringing your children to Elizabeth Blackwell Elementary – there is a problem with basic safety for our kids because the teachers who should be simply responsible for it refusing to do so knowingly that your child got hurt and they don’t care about it!
NULL (03/08/2017)
When I was a young boy, I spent two years here. I got the absolute crap kicked out of me by multiple preschoolers while I was in the second grade. Not recommended.
Dandan Huang (11/02/2016)
Because the teachers there are good, the large-scale play settings there are particularly good, the lunch there is especially delicious.
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