
Detailed Information
Asheville Police Department
Asheville Police Department
Asheville Police Department
Asheville Police Department
Asheville Police Department
Asheville Police Department
Asheville Police Department
Asheville Police Department
Homeless Joe (01/25/2020)
Always so clean and nice. clean clean uniform. They leave us freepeoples alone for the most parts here in town. Thats nice. Thanks be to your service
Brent Irwin (11/26/2019)
So today got in a altercation with a gentleman , with 3 more in car, my manager called 911 and no show, turned out guy wanted by the police for assault with deadly weapon... I'm feeling very lucky right now but not the least bit safe, thank God i don't live in this area...
Chris Stoehrel (03/13/2020)
Heaven help you if you actually need the police. Some of these people clearly don't care enough to even try to do the right thing, rather then the easy thing.
Cody (06/21/2019)
Just attempted to report an issue to APD about suspicious activity near cookout on Tunnel Rd. The woman answering their non emergency line neglected to take it seriously, as someone that works with the county in emergency services, I would describe the job APD does as routinely piss poor at best.nnI was asked what is suspicious about a guy digging through garbage and then walking on top of his car. My question is, what isn’t suspicious about that?
Joseph Silberman (01/20/2019)
Great place to work. Made me a better person. It was definitely the gateway to a life less ordinary.
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