
Detailed Information
Mae Farm
Mae Farm
Mae Farm
Mae Farm
Mae Farm
Mae Farm
Mae Farm
Mae Farm
Mae Farm
Mae Farm
EveBikerBabe Matthews (05/07/2018)
I always pass the farm while taking my dog to Lake Fayetteville for our walk. You know how you say I'm going to stop by the next time well I finally did on this day. The miniature horses were out and you are greeted with a sign on the fence stating this so please close the fence. I'm excited now because they are right there behind the fence. I have my baby in the car and he is looking at them too. Interesting and what are those.....not fellow dogs. My baby is an American Bull dog 110lbs. I say to him baby mama love you very much but I'm going to let you stay in the car with your rather large head out the window and observe these beautiful miniature horses. I walked over to the gate and watched them for 20 minutes. They frolic, clean one another, ate grass and watch me admire them. Then one beauty came over to me and I was in heaven. I didn't have an opportunity to go inside to visit the farm because my big baby was in the car. I look forward to visiting Mae Farms and doing a complete tour. The grass, flowers and the miniature horses help me leave with such a huge smile on my face and in my heart which caused me to dance back to my carud83dude03ud83dude0aud83dude01ud83dudc96ud83dudc4d✌
Keith Mallett (10/22/2018)
A fun family place...lots to do for the kids..
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