
Detailed Information
Jessie Eagan (07/17/2018)
It is hard to express exactly how shoddy the work done by this company is, or how little John should be trusted. I recently bought a house that he renovated, and I’ve never encountered anyone so underhanded, so intent on cutting costs, or so unethical. To name just a few of the many, many problems- work was not completed or it was done months late, half of our kitchen was left unfinished, he didn’t pay contractors so we had a mechanic’s lien threatened, a large mirror was installed with two small screws and almost fell off the wall, the AC was only halfway installed so we are now having to have it redone so it will work, and grounded outlets around the house were actually removed and replaced with non-grounded so he could avoid inspection. Truly amazing how little this man should be trusted. Are there ratings below 1 star?
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