
Detailed Information
Ferdinando Spinelli (12/25/2020)
It is a Cemetery. . . What to say ?
Vincenzo Carbone (06/15/2019)
Beyond any easy irony about what a cemetery is like or not, there are key points that cannot be ignored such as cleanliness, order, availability of essential services, etc. which make the visit to a sad and sad place quite easy. The cemetery of Ruviano, thanks to quite comfortable schedules and the work of a very active and responsible caretaker, can certainly be counted among the cleanest, most orderly and "comfortable" in the countries. For a cemetery it is already so much.
Gianmichele Cusano (08/17/2019)
But do you think it's normal to give a review on a cemetery?
Antonio Sangiovanni (01/19/2018)
Luigi very reserved and without architectural barriers.
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