
Detailed Information
Church of the Holy Face in Kiowa
Church of the Holy Face in Kiowa
Church of the Holy Face in Kiowa
Church of the Holy Face in Kiowa
Church of the Holy Face in Kiowa
Church of the Holy Face in Kiowa
Church of the Holy Face in Kiowa
Church of the Holy Face in Kiowa
Church of the Holy Face in Kiowa
Church of the Holy Face in Kiowa
Инесса Черкасова (09/19/2020)
I like it. I go to and from work by. Sometimes I go.
Artem Simonov (02/15/2020)
The first mention of wasteland Kiowa refers to the beginning of the XVII century., When the land owned Bornyakovyh race. In 1658 Selco Kiowa owned Boyar Bogdan Matveyevich Khitrovo, who in 1667 built on his estate, the first wooden church "in the name nerukotvorennogo our Lord Jesus Christ, but in the chapel of St. John the Divine." Later, the village owned: Language, Volyn, Vorontsov. Count I.I.Vorontsov - active hramozdatelya and hramoustroitel in their suburban estates worked with prominent Moscow architect K.I.Blankom. In 1768-1769 gg. I.I.Vorontsov built a stone church in honor of Our Savior nerukotvorennogo image - a two-story, one altar and bell tower. By its composition and details of the decoration of the Savior Church refers to a new kind K.I.Blanka temples. When A.I.Vorontsovoy-Orlova at the beginning of the XIX century. in the lower floor of the Savior Church in Kiowa was arranged warm (winter) chapel of Saints Constantine and Helen. In 1900, the church appeared staircase in the bell tower and the south chapel, while in the south wall of the lower church and the refectory made large arched proemy.V 1930s. the church was closed. Divine services were resumed in 1988
Tamara Markuscheva (07/28/2020)
Quiet, picturesque place. Near the lake. Seagulls, ducks. Appeasement.
Pavel Pashkovskiy (02/02/2020)
Good, but for some reason they don’t kick out the local gypsies, who sometimes behave badly. Prices are very high (a tiny candle of 30 rubles) apparently a lot has to be rolled back to a higher one. There are so many people on holidays that there isn’t enough places to cross.
Дмитрий Колотилин (10/30/2020)
Wonderful old temple.
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