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Office of Security Service of Ukraine in Poltava region
Office of Security Service of Ukraine in Poltava region
Office of Security Service of Ukraine in Poltava region
Office of Security Service of Ukraine in Poltava region
Office of Security Service of Ukraine in Poltava region
Office of Security Service of Ukraine in Poltava region
Office of Security Service of Ukraine in Poltava region
Office of Security Service of Ukraine in Poltava region
Office of Security Service of Ukraine in Poltava region
Office of Security Service of Ukraine in Poltava region
gerard moloney (10/01/2017)
Picturesque Building.
Александр Бовкун (01/04/2020)
As a result of the agrarian reform of the period of Stolypin Russia, banking institutions appeared in the provincial centers regulating the supply and demand for land. Within the Poltava province, such an institution is the Noble and Peasant Bank, erected during the years 1906-1909 by Poltava engineer S. Nosov, designed by Kyiv architect O. Kobelev. The two-storey building of decorative red brick contains elements of ancient Russian (Moscow) architecture and corresponds to the general direction of Art Nouveau style of the early XX century. Mosaic panels and multicolored ceramic inserts were used in the decoration of the front of the building. The main entrance is adorned by a two-pointed arrow wing, in the niches of which are placed statues of the bird-phoenix - ancient symbols of the revival. Since 1937 the building has been occupied by the regional branch of the State Security Committee (KGB), 1991 - the regional branch of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). Nowadays, the building is a rare example of Russian modernist architecture and is a monument of national importance.
allladinlibra allladinlibra (07/20/2020)
Good building!
Валерий Черненко (08/10/2020)
Yes, the SBU officers got the credit building ...
Alen Rid (10/14/2019)
Nice building, but a little neglected.
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