
Detailed Information
Gravesend Cemetery
Gravesend Cemetery
Gravesend Cemetery
Gravesend Cemetery
Gravesend Cemetery
Gravesend Cemetery
Gravesend Cemetery
Gravesend Cemetery
Gravesend Cemetery
Gravesend Cemetery
Eric Ierardi (12/25/2018)
The city's oldest and smallest owned cemetery at 1.6 acres. Both the Gravesend and Van Sicklen Cemeteries are New York City landmarks and on the National Register of historic places. In addition they are New York State Historical Landmarks.
Steven Grochowski (05/29/2016)
This graveyard is across the street from where George Washington lived. There's a tunnel that goes from the house to the graveyard, and this is how GW escaped the battle of Brooklyn in 1776...so cool.
Jane Casner (10/24/2015)
Please visit me. Huh? Go away. Spirits? I'm not a spirit. What do you wan't? Go away! Please visit, no, hogwash, go away!nI'm lonely, where are you? What? Channeling what? OK, you can speak for me. I can't help you with your s--t. I'm dead. I'm dead? Van Sicklen? OK descendant. Whatever! Boo. That's all just BOO. Go away.,nPlease visit me. Flowers, I wan't fresh flowers!!!
Mellissa K (07/07/2013)
I spent many years interred here, some of the best of my life--well, you know what I mean. A great place for deathday parties and the like. Also a perfect location to spend your retirement years in, as the neighbors in this cemetery are very quiet and they keep to themselves. It's very calm and peaceful here; I particularly recommend floating around at night, it's quite pleasant, especially with the scent of rot and decay. Many inhabited houses and people around, too, so convenient to haunt, if you're into that kind of thing. Thank god this place is fenced in, it became rather tiresome to have humans stomping all over my bones. There are a few drawbacks, though: the flesh eating maggots are rather too enthusiastic, and there are no mausoleums to relax in, so you'll just have to make do with your own coffin. Overall, though, this is one of the best gated communities around, definitely would recommend it to my friends, if only they could hear me.
Steve Strasser (08/25/2014)
Great piece of New York history.
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