
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Cemetery
  • Address 6492 W Co Rd 50 N, Sullivan, IN 47882, USA
  • Coordinate 39.0946,-87.5247
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 4
  • Compound Code 3FVG+R4 Sullivan, IN, USA
Shore Cemetery
Tom Gofourth (11/05/2019)
Sullivan County, IndiananOld Settlers Meetingn1870nnSource: Dr. James Maple's Scrapbook.nnJohn Pinkston was called out, and made some very interesting remarks. He was born in Kentucky; was poor, married a poor girl, and his poverty drove him to Indiana. He started in 1829 with $50.00 in his pocket, traveling on foot, his wife and children on horseback, and packs. Carried his gun, and followed by his dog, to furnish game. He settled in the forks of Turtle Creek, as a squatter, (sovereignty was not then coupled with the word). He went down to look at the sand prairies, but did not think them healthy, and was content with his location on Turtle Creek. But one or two others had settled in that region before him. Norman was one. In a short time his $50.00 was gone, swallowed up in the expense of setting up in housekeeping. There was no money in the country to be got. The following harvest he worked at 75 cents a day, and the harvest after that at 37 1/2 cents per day. Wheat was then not over 50 cents per bushel.
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