
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Store
  • Address 200 Main St, Waitsburg, WA 99361, USA
  • Coordinate 46.270368,-118.155345
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 4.3
  • Compound Code 7RCV+4V Waitsburg, WA, USA
Waitsburg Grocery
Waitsburg Grocery
Waitsburg Grocery
Waitsburg Grocery
Waitsburg Grocery
Waitsburg Grocery
Waitsburg Grocery
Waitsburg Grocery
Waitsburg Grocery
Waitsburg Grocery
Kathy Williams (11/19/2020)
Quaint store. Always have local things. Staff is great.
Banana Pie 101 (08/01/2020)
Average convenience store. Friendly cashier. Does not have a public bathroom. I do like the vintagey/rusticcy/quainty vibe from the architecture and interior.
Kari Hecker (06/17/2020)
Nice little hometown store. Prices are expensive. 5.00 for hand sanitizer. But very clean and friendly staff. Would definitely go there agian.
Milton Asprilla (08/20/2020)
Small sized grocery store but let me tell you that got about everything you need!
James Burke (07/27/2020)
I will never set foot in this place again. Extremely rude and intolerant employee.nIt only took one to sour my experience to evernWant to go back.
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