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Cigar Q
Cigar Q
Cigar Q
Cigar Q
Cigar Q
Cigar Q
Cigar Q
Cigar Q
Cigar Q
Cigar Q
Dong Park (11/02/2020)
Big selection of cigars, good prices,and new owner was so friendly.nI purchased 10 cigars, and he gave me 1 free of cigar, a portable ash tray, and a lighter.
Chelsey Brick (06/14/2020)
The people who work here are always friendly and genuinely nice. They have the best prices for cigs and tobacco and they have incense too! This is the only smoke shop I go!
Garrett Scott (01/30/2020)
This is the only head shop I will go to in Monroe. They allways have what I need plus anything I might need. Great prices and good customer service.
James Lundeen (07/27/2019)
The man at the counter (the owner) was grumpy and unhelpful when I asked about a specific cigar. He might have been having a bad day, I don't know. The store seems to have a decent selection, but I left to take my business to a friendlier place.
Kimberly Houghton (07/20/2018)
This is my 'one stop shop' in Monroe for cigars and tobacco. I love the staff too, wonderful, no BS type of guys there. Get in, get out, OH and they like it when you know how to operate the card machine with out them telling you what to do.... you get A+ customer treatment when you do. Also, they give you a free (cheap) lighter when you purchase so much... nice to have those cheap lighters laying around when you need one.
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